Local Governance Committee
The Sigma Trust firmly believes in local governance structures. LGCs have delegated functions as set out in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation. The Trustees remain accountable and responsible for these functions.
The duties of the LGCs include:
- Establishing the vision and ethos for the relevant academy ensuring that it fits within and promotes the vision and ethos of the Trust.
- Safeguarding and promoting the values of the Academy
- Supporting the Headteacher of the Academy and being a critical friend
- Monitoring the achievement, quality of teaching and behaviour and safety within the Academy
- Engagement with the Academy’s key stakeholders e.g. parents/carers, pupils and staff
- Advising the Trustees about local issues they need to consider that affect the Academy
Local Governance Committees have an important role to play in providing insight into the community and the opportunities and challenges that the school faces in its own specific area. The committee comprises of a minimum of nine members with at least two elected parents and two staff members, including the Headteacher. The Chairs of LGC meet with the Chair of the Trust and the CEO on a termly basis.
The Chairs of the LGCs are:
Alton Park Junior School and Holland Park Primary School – Carol Carlsson Browne
Clacton County High School and Colne Community School & College – Kieron Moir
Harwich and Dovercourt High School – Nick Pavitt
Monkwick Infant and Nursery School and Monkwick Junior School – Carol Carlsson Browne
Paxman Academy – Jan Atkinson
Philip Morant School & College – Jan Atkinson
St Helena School – Denice Halpin
The Stanway School and Thomas Lord Audley School – Andrew Weaver
Alton Park Junior School and Holland Park Primary School
Alton Park Junior School and Holland Park Primary School
Click to view information on the joint Local Governance Committee of Alton Park Junior School and Holland Park Primary School
Clacton County High School and Colne Community School & College
Clacton County High School and Colne Community School &College
Click to view information on the joint Local Governance Committee of Clacton County High School and Colne Community School & College
Harwich and Dovercourt High School
Harwich and Dovercourt High School
Click to view information on the Local Governance Committee of Harwich and Dovercourt High School
Monkwick Infant and Nursery School and Monkwick Junior School
Monkwick Infant School and Nursery and Monkwick Junior School Joint LGC
Click to view information on the joint Local Governance Committee of Monkwick Infant School and Nursery and Monkwick Junior School
Paxman Academy
Paxman Academy
Click to view information on the Local Governance Committee of Paxman Academy
Philip Morant School & College
Philip Morant School & College
Click to view information on the Local Governance Committee of Philip Morant School & College
St Helena School
St Helena School
Click to view information on the Local Governance Committee of St Helena School
The Stanway School and Thomas Lord Audley School
The Stanway School and Thomas Lord Audley School
Click to view information on the Local Governance Committee of The Stanway School and Thomas Lord Audley School