Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of all the Headteachers and senior colleagues within The Sigma Trust. It is responsible for the day to day management of all academies and for providing strategic leadership for the Trust.

Jon Bland, Executive Headteacher, The Stanway School

Gavin Bradley, Director of Primary Education

Simon Essex, Headteacher, Thomas Lord Audley School

Kate Finch, Headteacher, Harwich and Dovercourt High School

Neil Gallagher, Executive Headteacher, CCHS and Colne Community School and College

Scott Holder, Director of Education for The Sigma Trust

Lotte Cumming, Headteacher, Monkwick Infant School and Nursery

Rebecca McCutcheon, Headteacher, Monkwick Junior School

Brian Markham, Chief Operations and Finance Officer

Matt Moseley, Headteacher, Holland Park Primary School

Fiona Pierson, Executive Headteacher, Paxman Academy and St Helena School

Nicole Almond, Headteacher, Alton Park Junior School

Stephanie Neill, Headteacher, Philip Morant School & College

Lyn Wright, Chief Executive Officer
The Education Team
Leadership Team
Jointly responsible for monitoring progress and raising standards across all Sigma academies. Lead key groups of staff to provide the support and challenge to all schools in order to continually raise standards.
Lyn Wright, Chief Executive Officer
Gavin Bradley, Director of Primary Education
Diana Fletcher, Director of Performance and Review
Scott Holder, Director of Education
Alison Pierson, Director of Safeguarding and Pastoral Care
Kay Turner, Director of School Improvement
Strategic Leads
Provide leadership and direction for core areas of the curriculum and ensure that best practice becomes shared practice.

Fiona Cook, Strategic Lead, English

Sarah Davies-Llewellyn, Strategic Lead, Humanities

Finlay Ridgwell, Strategic Lead, Maths

Ross Thorpe, Strategic Lead, Modern Foreign Languages

Operational Team
Central Team
Consists of a group of centrally employed staff responsible for key operational services for The Sigma Trust.

Lyn Wright, Chief Executive Officer

Brian Markham, Chief Operations and Finance Officer

Krista Hook, Chief Administrative Officer
Leading a team of colleagues in ensuring that there is robust financial management across the Trust.

Sarah Sheppard, Management Accountant
People & Culture
Leading a team of colleagues responsible for managing all staffing issues including recruitment and employee relations.

Samantha Painter, Director of People & Culture
Leads a team of colleagues responsible for ensuring the monthly payment for all Sigma employees.

Lindsey Clark, Payroll Manager
Responsible for overseeing all building related issues across The Sigma Trust and liaising with site teams in each academy.

Steven Scott, Director of Estates
Network Management
Responsible for overseeing all ICT related issues across The Sigma trust and liaising with network teams in each academy.

Ian Griffiths, Chief Network Officer