Hundreds of school staff started the new half term with an inset day aimed at offering a variety of workshops and sessions across our settings.
A total of 44 different sessions were held for primary and secondary staff as well as the Sigma Trust central team.
They ranged from supporting pupils’ literacy across the primary curriculum to pupils’ emotional wellbeing, staff mental health to novel practical ideas in science.
Sessions were also put on for our site managers, first aiders, minibus drivers, catering teams and PE staff who took part in sessions around rugby, basketball, trampolining and Boxercise for fitness and coaching.
We welcomed a range of experienced keynote speakers and even took a few workshops away from our schools.
Artist Jevan Watkins-Jones ran a workshop at Firstsite studio in Colchester where participants visited his exhibition and then explored themes of boundaries and identity through drawing.
Scott Holder, Director of Education, said: “We were delighted to hold our annual inset day utilising a mix of in-person and virtual sessions – across our primary and secondary schools and other settings.
“The inset day is fundamental to reinforcing the values of the Trust by sharing best practice amongst our family of schools and creating a centre of educational excellence.
“The day provides opportunities for staff to take part in high quality professional development and network amongst like-minded colleagues.
“We would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to ensure the day was a great success and all our partners who kindly gave up their time to support the workshops.”
Sessions were held in the following venues: Monkwick Infants School, Monkwick Junior School, The Stanway School, Philip Morant School, St Helena School, Harwich & Dovercourt High School, Tendring Education Centre, Thomas Lord Audley School, Paxman Academy, Clacton County High School, Firstsite Studio and The Colne Community School and College.