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The Thomas Lord Audley School

The Thomas Lord Audley School

The Thomas Lord Audley School is a high performing, over-subscribed 11-16 comprehensive school, situated to the south of Colchester. It serves a wide and diverse catchment area, including Old Heath, Monkwick, Shrub End, the villages to the south of Colchester and the community of Mersea Island.

The Thomas Lord Audley School is a community in which each and every student matters. We provide a wide variety of learning experiences which help all students to enjoy their lessons and achieve their best. We know that students learn in different ways and therefore, we are careful to match our teaching to help everyone make progress. We have high expectations with respect to behaviour, attendance and punctuality and we recognise and celebrate success wherever it occurs. All members of the school community are expected to adopt a ‘growth mind-set’ in order to achieve their full potential.

We have highly committed and well-qualified staff who encourage students to give their best in all aspects of school life. We are a happy school with students who respond to our high academic, cultural and sporting expectations. Our excellent accommodation and resources help us to ensure that these expectations are met.

  • The school achieved a ‘Good’ in its Ofsted inspection in April 2016
  • In 2016 we were one of the most improved secondary schools in Essex
  • In 2016 we achieved an excellent set of results with 60% of students achieving an A*-C in both English and Maths
  • On average, students make above the expected level of progress during their time in the school.

The Thomas Lord Audley School strives to provide the best quality of education for all its students and will collaborate with partner schools to continue our journey of improvement.


Monkwick Avenue


01206 547911



Joined the Sigma Trust:

1st September 2016


Simon Essex

Admissions Arrangements:

Admissions Policy 2023/24