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Your Questions Answered

Thinking of Joining Us? Here are some frequently asked questions:

Topic One

  • What sort of support will the finance manager receive?

    A great deal as this is the area where the learning curve can be the steepest. There are new systems and approaches to understand but the Trust has an experienced team of finance managers to support the school

  • How will the consultation be managed?

    The Trust has strong experience in this area and will ensure all stakeholders are fully engaged.

  • How will the project be managed?

    The Trust will provide a Project manager to carry out most of the work leaving the school to focus on teaching and learning. The process will not be a significant additional burden.

  • Would the school receive legal support?

    Yes. We have helped many schools through the conversion process and our partner legal advisers have an excellent track record. There will be no cost to the school for this work.

  • Does the Trust make a profit?

    No. That is not allowed by law and trusts are subject to scrutiny through audit and their funding agreement with the DfE.

  • How far are systems and processes centralised?

    The Trust believes in creating self- sustaining schools and that means giving as much autonomy as possible to individual schools. Services are centralised when economies of scale can be made or when they help improve the quality of provision.

  • How will the Trust support building and site improvements?

    The Trust has an annual capital improvement grant to support all its schools. A plan is agreed by head teachers around the priorities. We will seek to bid on your behalf for additional capital funding. Schools retain their own site and caretaking capacity.

  • Would pupils be selected?

    No. We are firmly opposed to any form of selection and operate a non-selective admissions policy for all our academies and will continue to do so in the future. These are the same as the admissions policies for local authority schools that they replace.

  • Does becoming an academy change our relationship with the LA?

    Yes, the LA is no longer directly responsible for the school’s performance and has significantly reduced powers of intervention. However, our Trust works closely with the LA and our heads continue to attend meetings.

  • Would existing staff be TUPED across to the Trust?

    Yes, staff are protected by TUPE for as long as they remain at the school

  • Are there opportunities to share jobs across schools?

    Yes, but only if the individual member of staff and school head teacher supports it. One of the key methods of improving teaching and learning is through joint deployment of outstanding staff, shadowing and appointment of leading practitioners and specialist leaders of education.

  • What is the Trusts top priority?

    To ensure that no child is left behind.

  • How does the Trust retain staff?

    By building strong collaborative cultures. The Sigma Trust offers opportunities to work across Trust schools to expand leadership experience and build up a strong career profile. We are developing a 10-year career path for all staff and will provide the support and training necessary to support each colleague’s aspirations.

  • What support for leadership does the Trust give?

    A great deal. Senior and middle leaders are supported through a programme of coaching and mentoring, training and career development opportunities. The Trust supports and challenges all its leaders.

  • How much autonomy does a school retain?

    This is the key question for any school joining a Multi-Academy Trust. All schools in The Sigma Trust have full cultural autonomy. There is no imposed change of name, uniform or logo. We want each school to retain their history and identity within the community they serve. All schools within Sigma are expected to work in collaboration to ensure that best practice becomes shared practice. The Executive Team of head teachers works together to share ideas and agree what best practice to adopt.

Topic Three

  • What sort of support will the finance manager receive?

    A great deal as this is the area where the learning curve can be the steepest. There are new systems and approaches to understand but the Trust has an experienced team of finance managers to support the school