The Philip Morant School and College
It is an exciting time for The Philip Morant School & College as it builds on its proud traditions and continues to develop confident, ambitious and informed young people.
Philip Morant is a popular, mixed comprehensive, in north-east Essex. The school has served the town of Colchester for over half a century and has a tradition, not only of excellence in education but also caring for its young people. Philip Morant is a happy school in which, overwhelmingly, students feel safe and achieve well.
We have made significant progress since our last Ofsted inspection, including two sets of fantastic examination results. Some of this year’s highlights include:
- 76 % of students achieved a 4+ in English & Maths
- 51% of students achieved the coveted 5+ in both
- 84% of students achieved a 4 + in English (68% 5+)
The school’s ethos is encapsulated in three words: ‘Aspiration, Success, Kindness’ which underpin our approach to all aspects of school life.
Philip Morant is ambitious for all of its students in their pursuit of excellence whether that is in the classroom, on the football pitch, the stage or working within the community.
The school is committed to achieving the highest standards and delivering an holistic education and experiences which prepare our students for the next stage in their education, training or work place.
Joined the Sigma Trust:
1st January 2019
Stephanie Neill